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At Messiah Missionary Baptist Church we believe in a truly regenerated born again membership safeguarded by baptism on the personal profession of faith.


We believe that every Baptist church has the right to govern its own affairs and that no outside personalities or powers have the right, nor should they harbor any thought of obligation to interfere, seek to influence or direct the policy making process of this church.

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We believe that the Holy Bible is the only rule of faith and practice for our church and our lives.


The two ordinances of the church are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Both are administered on the first Sunday of the month during the morning worship service.


“In baptism, a person signifies his repentance toward God, his trust in God’s mercy, and his surrender to God’s Will. As the baptism of Jesus was a public acknowledgment of his submission to the Father’s will; so the Christian baptism is public acknowledgment of his submission to the judgment and will of God. This repentance and faith are expressed to God, but the act takes place in the presence of the church and the world. While baptism is man’s response, it is closely related to the grace of God… for only because God has acted in Christ, is there a basis for our responding to HIM” (From a Baptist Manual of Policy and practice: by Maring and Hudson, p. 130)


The Messiah Missionary Baptist Church of Memphis Tennessee is a member of the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc., the Tennessee Baptist Missionary and Education Convention, The Memphis District Sunday School and Baptist Training Union Congress. Additionally, we are supporters of various civic, social, educational and religious causes whose aim is to enhance and liberate the lives of oppressed people.

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